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A professionally prepared substrate is the basis for a high-quality and durable floor covering. In this way, structural damage is ruled out from the outset. We offer you the renovation of old subfloors. 

In addition, we specialize in the almost dust-free milling of old filler or adhesive layers. With our machines, we are always up to date with the latest technology.


You benefit from regular training at trade fairs. In this way we can reduce the dust exposure to a minimum for you.



Boden spachteln
Untergrund Spachtelboden
Untergrund schleifen

Mike Zimmermann  I  Parkettlegermeister  I  Staatlich Geprüfter Bodenleger

Lindhorstweg 50   I    _cc781905-5cde-3193-bb3b3b77

Tel. (030) 0527  I

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